Verdi, Vaudeville, Music Videos, and Maharajas: Moulin Rouge! And the Postmodern Musical
Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge! is an extravagant musical romance set in turn-of-the-century Paris with anachronistic musical elements and a...
Apr 14, 2017

Film Analysis: Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Another comic masterpiece of idiosyncratic Americana by the Coen brothers, Inside Llewyn Davis spends a week in the life of sorry bastard...
Nov 7, 2015

Film Essay: Royal and the Tenenbaums: A Tale of Fathers and Children
The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), directed by quintessential auteur Wes Anderson, explores the unique and poignant stories of the Tenenbaum...
Mar 30, 2015